Case Study: Wyoming Department of Transportation
How Forecast Helped a State Creatively Revolutionize Their Air Service
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We are Forecast, a full-service air development consulting firm. We focus on creating solutions to enable the movement of passengers by air to benefit our clients and maximize the financial and economic impact for each client. Our clients are local governments, resort properties, and tourism authorities. Our services are designed to provide maximum value for both our clients and commercial air service partners.

Our Mission: Organize air service across the state to make it more efficient, economical, and sustainable.

Overview/Challenge: Create an efficient, economical, and sustainable air service system across the state which works as one.

One state, ten airports, limited financial resources, and multiple airlines, each with associated financial commitments. What to do with all these pieces? As is, the system worked, but it made for a big challenge. It was not efficient because of all the moving parts. The economics created financial leakages and coordination challenges. It was not sustainable.

Forecast’s full range of experiences had to come to the fore in a most creative way. While the arrangement worked from a traditional perspective, it had challenges. Forecast was a rearrangement and a modernization of the philosophy and approach to the state’s air service arrangement. The adjustment achieved efficiency, economic gains, and sustainability.

Solution: Create an airline without aircrafts

Forecast recognized that the answer had to be based in creativity, so they presented a solution which was completely outside of the box. Given the challenge, the question was one of simplification. They chose and worked with a single airlines with the relationships, capacity, and reach to deliver the flights and fulfill the needs of the state without alienating other airlines and negatively impacting flight availability and service. 

The Result: A virtual state airline

Although the airline does not belong to the state, it effectively behaves as if it does. The state controls the schedules and the connections, thereby creating the service, which fits its needs exactly.